Kopfbild Dresdner Schachfestival e.V.
Dresdner Schachfestival e.V.


Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushalts.




Argentines, last but not least - South Americans register for the World Senior Team Championship

deuargflaggenAfter the official deadline for application on 31.01.2015 there are now 88 teams registered for the World Senior Team Championship 2015. 404 players from 16 countries will participate in the tournament. The last team to register was the Argentinian delegation, traveling nearly 12,000 km from South America to Dresden, Germany. They will have the longest journey and will bring their Argentine fire into the 50+ age group.
There they will compete against the top teams England I (ELO average 2570), Germany I (ELO average 2482), Slovakia (ELO average 2462) and more, a total of 44 teams. Participants and guests can look forward to such famous grandmasters as N. Short (ENG 2664), J. Nunn (ENG 2601), L. Ftacnik (SVK 2545) and U. Bönsch (GER, 2541).
In the tournament of the over-65 year old players Russia (ELO average 2412) is at the top of the list, with 44 teams as well.
The women's teams from Russia, Latvia and Germany will fight for the title of World Champion, integrated into the group 50+.
On February 18th, a week before the start of the tournament, the host (Schachfestival Dresden e.V.) will send a detailed message with general information to the team leaders. This information will also be published on the host's website: www.schachfestival.de.

We look forward to greeting all the participants and to an outstanding tournament at world class level.


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